Lassen View Alpacas

...alpacas our love....service our pleasure....

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More Farm News

After a spectacular showing at IAO these two Vantaggio offspring females are off on a new adventure!

Silver Splash & Silver Dream left for Hawaii May 3 to join others in their new home.

05/15  Great salads with lettuce from the garden, peas and my very first onion!  Add some hard boiled egg from our own hens and a bit of salad dressing and what a great salad.  No tomatoes yet but soon....very soon.

03/30 There are always other happenings on the farm.My favorite time is the coming of spring. The grasses start comingin. The first veggies start appearing and I can prepare the garden forthe first seeds. We ate the first artichoke and there are more than adozen more on our two plants. Fresh young artichokes are extremelytender and delicious


03/02 We also breed our own sheep.  Last year, we introduced a Dorper Ram to our Romanov & Romanov cross ewes.  We were rewarded with the first two lambs of the season.  Proud papa looks on in the background.

Both were born at only 3.5 lbs.  Romanovs are on the smaller side and this ewe is especially small.  Papa weighs in at about 250 lbs so the lambs will grow rapidly.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024